Psychodramatic spiral: the science and art of warming up
Aquecimento, Espontaneidade, Catarse de integração, Espiral psicodramático, PsicodramaAbstract
This study aims to present the use of the psychodramatic spiral in the warm-up process, and to verify its applicability through the discussion of a clinical case, in light of Moreno’s and other contemporary psychodramatists’ concepts and definitions. It searches for interfaces between the psychodramatic spiral and Elaine Goldman’s diagram, looking at their complementary and possible overlaps. It aims to use the psychodramatic spiral for scripts used in sessions, whether working on the level of reality, imaginary or fantasy, and to investigate the emergence of revolute, resolutive and evolutive catharsis of integration. Considering that spontaneity, the backbone of psychodrama theory, can only be achieved and maintained by warning up to an ideal and appropriate level, the use of the psychodramatic spiral can contribute toward achieving these spontaneous states.
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