Socionomic acts: human survival and ecologies by active methods
ecologies, worldview, sociopsicopatas, social changeAbstract
This paper focuses on preventive group interventions on damages to planetary biodiversity caused by hegemonic thinking, which stimulates economic growth on health and education, points out the need for active methods for a developmental vision that recovers and preserves natural resources improving lives. Socionomic acts are alternatives for re-examining personal and collective well-being. In the sociopsychodramatic method, the real subject is the group, its ideologies and desire for transformation to strengthen intrapsychic and socio-environmental relations. In this method, we admit participants from different biopsychosocial identities and diseases. We get answers to the confrontation of problem situations manifested by contingent groups, common organizations, institutions such as family and school. The theme of ecologies stimulates the unveiling the Cosmic man integrated to the planet and triggers insights in the construction of health and full citizenship.
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