Public psychodramas and the 'teatro de reprise'. Alice in search of the land of freedom and transformation


  • Rosane Rodrigues
  • Eduardo Coutinho


Teatro de Reprise, public psychodrama, spontaneous theatre, group, theatre, esthetic


This article intends to explain the methodology of "Teatro de Reprise" and to demonstrate, by means of a recent intervention, the contribution it can make possible in a public psychodrama. The "Teatro de Reprise", as a political intervention of group reality transformation, makes it possible that the individual dimension expresses itself as part of a "collective", joining refined aesthetics to a consequent multiplication of senses.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, R., & Coutinho, E. (2020). Public psychodramas and the ’teatro de reprise’. Alice in search of the land of freedom and transformation. Revista Brasileira De Psicodrama, 20(1), 155–171. Retrieved from



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