What I do like is the summer: psychodrama with adolescents on summer holidays
Psychodrama with adolescents, Changes, Mental HealthAbstract
This article reports a psychodramatic intervention with seven adolescents over eight sessions during the summer school holidays, which took place in a hospital clinic of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Northern Portugal. The relevance for some of the adolescents to maintain the psychotherapeutic process already started, as well as the need to provide a psychotherapeutic response to others, has led to an intervention group during summer vacation, a period during which group monitoring is usually suspended. Besides the therapeutic effect, attendance of those sessions was regarded as the opportunity to fulfill a weekly commitment external to the socio-family context, by promoting social exchanges with peers, compromised by the school interruption. This retrospective analysis aimed to identify problems/difficulties, as well as to understand the subjective experience of adolescents about the therapeutic process in a group of psychodrama. To this end, a set of ideographic instruments was applied before, during and after the intervention. The results of this study will be discussed taking into account the implications for research and clinical psychodrama practice. The final evaluation of the experience suggests that psychodrama promoted changes in the behavior and psychological functioning of adolescents, namely in decreasing the perception of anxiety and inadequate social performance, in improving self-concept and identification/emotional expression revealing mental health.
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