Psychodrama psychotherapy: a diagnostic and treatment tool for depression


  • Gloria Reyes Contreras


Psychodrama, Depression, Group Psychotherapy, Diagnosis


This article is an epistemological, theoretical and methodological reflection on psychodrama as a diagnostic and psychotherapeutic approach and its specific application for disturbances that are of high prevalence in our current times, such as the depressive disorders. From an epistemological perspective, this is a reflection on the fundamental bases of psychodrama. From a theoretical point of view, psychodrama is explored as a model offering diverse conceptual tools that penetrate clinical practice, such as the concepts of matrix, locus and status nascendi, as well as the theory of roles and links. Finally, two clinical investigations on depression are presented that were carried out within the Postgraduate training programme of the Center of Psychodramatic Studies of Chile.


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How to Cite

Reyes Contreras, G. (2020). Psychodrama psychotherapy: a diagnostic and treatment tool for depression. Revista Brasileira De Psicodrama, 21(2), 53–64. Retrieved from



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