The self-directed group: weaving over and flowing with...
Self-Directed Group, Psychodrama, Action-ResearchAbstract
This text is the result of the authors’ innovative experience with the implementation of a Self- Directed Group in a Psychodrama training course, a qualitative research project on this subject, and the individual experiences of the authors acquired during their careers as Psychodramatists. The self-directed group is a learning tool, combining psychotherapeutic and training aspects, and it can be applied in institutional settings or in private practice. This paper reflects on the similarities and differences of the use of the self-directed group in these settings, as well as their use with a socio-educational and psychotherapeutic focus. It explores the potential of developing other professional roles, besides of that of the psychodramatist, and emphasizes Action-Research with its political and ideological background as the philosophical forerunner of this learning device.
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