Psychodrama and obesity: the development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention focused on emotions


  • Filipa Mucha Vieira
  • Sandra Torres
  • Gabriela Moita


Psychodrama, Obesity, Research


In this paper we present a programme of psychodramatic interventions for obese women, focused on emotions. This aim of this programme is to increase these women's ability to regulate emotion and consequently to reduce compulsive binge eating. We will describe the specific aims and the methodology used for the evaluation of the outcomes, as well as the main topics explored during the sessions. We hope that by doing so we can contribute to the study of efficacy and effectiveness of Psychodrama, reducing the gap between research and clinical practice.


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How to Cite

Mucha Vieira, F., Torres, S., & Moita, G. (2020). Psychodrama and obesity: the development, implementation and evaluation of an intervention focused on emotions. Revista Brasileira De Psicodrama, 21(2), 141–149. Retrieved from



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