What are you thirsty for? What are you hungry for? Psychodrama and consumption


  • Valéria Cristina de Albuquerque Brito


Psychotherapy, consumption, psychodrama, post industrial society


Focusing primarily in the Brazilian Psychodrama, this essay endorses Psychodrama as a powerful psychotherapeutic method in contemporary society. Considering the social and cultural context in which human suffering has been understood, surpassed and treated in recent times, the author argues that Psychodrama is a resistance discourse facing the homogenization of life styles.


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How to Cite

Cristina de Albuquerque Brito, V. . (2020). What are you thirsty for? What are you hungry for? Psychodrama and consumption . Revista Brasileira De Psicodrama, 20(1), 13–24. Retrieved from https://revbraspsicodrama.org.br/rbp/article/view/218



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