Changing scenes: the adaptation of a face-to-face protagonist to online psychotherapy



Bipersonal psychodrama, Online psychodrama, Online psychotherapy, Hyper-supplementary reality


With the coronavirus pandemic, the limitations of social isolation have made the internet the primary tool for our activities. Psychodramatists and patients needed to adjust their meetings to the new conditions, migrating to the virtual realm and adapting to this new style of psychotherapy. This research investigated how a protagonist of face-to-face bipersonal psychodrama adapted to online psychodrama. It was a qualitative, exploratory, and explanatory research conducted through action research with a patient in face-to-face psychotherapy who presented discomfort in migrating to the online modality. The results indicated that the protagonist adapted to online bipersonal psychodrama, a feat made possible by the numerous possibilities of the hyper-supplementary reality and the safe and comfortable environment that her home represents for her.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. S. da, & Castro, A. (2024). Changing scenes: the adaptation of a face-to-face protagonist to online psychotherapy. Revista Brasileira De Psicodrama, 32. Retrieved from



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